Monday, April 7, 2008

Welcome to The Ridgewood Ragdoll

Well kids, the Ridgewood Ragdoll is now up and running.  We are thrilled to finally let people into our boring, but furry existence.  So get your lint rollers ready and come on in!  Megan and Chris just update the blog, but the real stars of the show are (from left to right) Milo Matthew, Trinny baby, and Mercer Mayer!!  Be advised that Mercer, Milo and Trinny are not enthusiasts of typing, but they do like to dictate.  More to come soon.  We are currently in the middle of a plumbing project that is NOT going well. 


Anonymous said...

Love the blog!! Can't wait for more posts!

Shelley said...

GEEKS! Big, honking, screaming geeks you are!

Having said that, I must clarify that the kittehs are too cute!

Me blog too, check it out: - no kittehs yet, but lots and lots of yarn. Dueling cat pics?! Excellent!

Baby Laene Design said...

so fun Megs! Glad to see you blogging and look forward to reading more!